Feast of St Anthony

St Anthony came to join the Franciscans in 1221 at 26 years of age, inspired by the death of five Franciscan martyrs in North Africa. His gift to the church was his extraordinary preaching.
In Franciscan churches, St Anthony’s Day is celebrated as a solemnity. The friars remeber the kidness and concern shown to them in so many ways including friendships, practical generoisuty and prayers.
The annual mass in honour of St Anthony was held at Mary Immaculate Church (Waverley, NSW) on Monday 13 June at 10am. There was the customary blessing of lillies and distribution of blessed bread for the poor. This year, the bread was provided by The Bread & Butter Project, a not-for-profit social enterprise which provides training for refugees as bakers, and a project the Franciscans are proud to be associated as founding and ongoing sponsors.
For further information about The Bread & Butter Project: www.thebreadandbutterproject.com.au