World Environment Day

Greetings from the JPIC office Rome!
18 June 2016 is the first anniversary of the encyclical, Laudato Si’. The encyclical pointed out the ecological crisis of our times and strongly suggested that we listen to the cries of the poor and our Mother Earth and response to it.
When the encyclical was released believers as well as non-believers acclaimed it and the local churches worked hard to adapt and integrate it into their lifestyle.
Keeping that in mind, we would like to remind the friars of a coming global event.
June 5 is World Environment Day. It is the United Nations’ most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment.
“Every World Environment Day (WED) is organized around a theme that reflects a pressing environmental concern. The theme for WED 2016 is the illegal trade in wildlife under the slogan ‘Go Wild for Life’, which threatens species such as rhinos and tigers with extinction.
Wildlife crime also undermines economies and security, especially in developing countries.”(
Below are the links for UN World Environmental Day. They are available in many languages.
As Friars Minor, we invite you to pray and act in solidarity with the ecologically poor and Mother Earth on this occasion.